Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintergration Commission

Hon. William Deng Deng

Deputy Chairperson:
Mr. Majur Mayor Machar


Strengthened human security and conflict prevention as well as sustainable peace and socio-economic development in South Sudan.


To disarm, demobilize and sustainably reintegrate DDR target beneficiaries in their communities of return.

RSSDDRC is leading the DDR programme, a national initiative that has been implemented over the past few years in both northern and southern Sudan. Under the CPA-DDR, supported by various United Nations agencies such as UNMISS, UNDP, UNICEF as well as by other funding partners, disarmament and demobilisation ceased in April 2011 and provision of reintegration support formally closes on December 31st, 2011. However, the actual downsizing of the SPLA through the CPA DDR programme has been limited owing to programmatic challenges, the uncertainty of referendum and security considerations.

The new DDR programme comes into effect in early 2012 under the auspices of the National Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration Council to provide for guidance on all the policies and strategic directions related to the expedition of the process of disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration of ex-combatants and other specific needs groups associated with the national regular forces. RSSDDRC is constitutionally mandated to spearhead DDR process for 150,000, ex-combatants: 80, 000 from the SPLA and 70, 000 from other national organized forces: The Police, the Prison, Wildlife Services and the Fire Brigade, starting with the DDR pilot project for 4, 500 ex-combatants in the first quarter of 2012.

All the national organized forces are currently transforming from a liberation army to modern, competent and professional forces that are disciplined, non-partisan and subordinated to civilian authority. For instance, based on the 2008 SPLA White Paper on Defence, the SPLA is examining and developing a new Military Strategy, which will look at the force five years ahead. The SPLA Objective Force 2017 is under development with the premise that the total force strength shall not exceed 119,000. DDR is therefore a key component for the implementation of a broader Security Sector Reform (SSR) process.

DDR is one of the key priorities of the South Sudan Development Plan (2011-2013). It is foreseen to contribute to the more productive allocation of financial and human resources as well as to assist in the broader peace-building process in the country. A well-resourced and implemented DDR programme shall support large numbers of ex-combatants to find appropriate livelihoods and thus reduce the risk of crime and recurring political violence.

Objectives of DDR in the Republic of South Sudan:

The overall objective of the DDR policy and programme is to reduce the size of the SPLA/SSAF and the other organised services, and assist the ex-combatants in returning to civilian life and creating sustainable livelihoods.

Specific objectives of the DDR programme are:

  • To reduce the size of the South Sudan Armed Forces (SSAF) and the other national organised forces by 150,000 individuals.
  • To assist ex-combatants to socially reintegrate into communities of return in South Sudan.
  • To increase livelihood opportunities for ex-combatants in communities of return in South Sudan.
  • To facilitate the release, return and reintegration of children associated with armed forces and groups into their families and communities of return in South Sudan.
  • To support social and economic reintegration of women associated with armed forces and group through community based programme in their communities of return in South Sudan.
  • To strengthen the capacities of RSSDDRC, line ministries, South Sudanese civil society and private sector to effectively support services delivery to the people of South Sudan.

By achieving these specific objectives, the DDR programme shall also contribute to the prevention of further violent conflict in South Sudan as well as the creation of an enabling environment for human security and socioeconomic development.

Roles and responsibilities for DDR:

Roles and responsibilities for DDR:




· Policy direction on DDR in RSS and holds accountable all line ministries for their involvement and performance in delivering DDR as appropriate.

· Personal support from the President and Commander –in-Chief of SSAF

Ministry of Defence

· Developing DDR eligibility criteria for SPLA/SSAF,

· Selection of DDR candidates and clearing all master lists from SPLA/SSAF

· Oversight of and accountability for DD of SPLA/SSAF according to DDR policy

Ministry of Internal Affairs

· Developing DDR eligibility criteria for other organised forces

· Selection of DDR candidates and clearing the master lists from other organised services

· Oversight of and accountability for DD of other organised forces according to DDR policy.

SSDDR Commission

· Technical leadership in developing and implementing policy, strategy and programme

RSS Line Ministries

· Lead in providing direct reintegration support to ex-combatants, in respective technical sectors.

Public-Private Partnerships

· Prioritising ex-combatants in public works/projects.


· Supporting the acceptance and reintegration of ex-combatants, CAAFG, ex-combatants with physical disabilities, ex-combatants with psychosocial disabilities and WAAF.

International Agencies

· UN Department of Peace-Keeping Operations (DPKO), World Bank, UNDP, UNICEF and other UN bodies are foreseen to be actively involved in providing expertise, independent verification, logistics and project management support.

International and National NGOs/CBOs

· Support livelihoods and community-based reintegration

Projects and Programs:

  • Disarmament
  • Demobilisation
  • Reinsertion
  • Reintegration
  • Public Information, Sensitisation and Outreach
  • Crosscutting Issues: HIV/AIDS, Gender
  • Sub-Programmes for Children Associated with Armed Forces (CAAF), ex-combatants with physical disabilities, psychosocial disabilities and South Sudanese nationals in foreign armed groups.


Mr. William Deng Deng
Chairperson, The Republic of South Sudan NDDR Commission
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Mr. Majur Mayor Machar
Deputy Chairperson, The Republic of South Sudan NDDR Commission
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mr. Jerome Barikue Tom
Director General of Programmes, The Republic of South Sudan NDDR Commission
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Mr. Claude Obwaha Akasha
Director General for Operations, The Republic of South Sudan NDDR Commission
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kerbino Yel Deng
Director of Public Information/Communications, The Republic of South Sudan NDDR Commission
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone, +211 955 561 722

Former soldiers, Children Associated with Armed Forces(CAAF), Women Associated with Armed Forces(WAAF) can contact Public Information Office at Telephone: +249 955 561 722, which is available Monday – Friday 08:30 – 17:00 or by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Web Site: http://www.ssddrc.org

Photos from DDR events also available on Google Picasa: https://Picasweb.google.com/ssddrpi

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