JUBA MAY, 6,2015 - the Arab republic of Egypt has assured to support south Sudan becomes stable ...
JUBA MAY, 6,2015 - The government has expressed concern to back Saudi Arabia in a fight against ...
JUBA MAY, 5,2015 - The chief administrator of the greater pibor administrative area, David Yau ...
JUBA MAY, 5,2015 - The ministry of foreign affairs and international cooperation has urged all ...
JUBA MAY, 4, 2015 - Two days after the Sudanese president accused juba of harboring its rebel, the ...
JUBA April, 29,2015 - The British based giant oil company “milio” is in the country to discuss ...
JUBA April 28, 2015 - The government is calling on the UN security council to restore its ...
The Republic of South Sudan is the world’s youngest nation. It is the 193rd member state of the United Nations and the 54th member state of the African Union. The country gained independence on 9th July 2011 following a self determination referendum in which the citizens overwhelmingly voted for total autonomy from the then Sudan. The referendum, conducted in January 2011, was one of the provisions of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in 2005. The CPA ended one of Africa’s longest civil wars in which many lives were lost. After emerging from decades of neglect and discrimination, the country is now putting all its efforts and resources to nation building.