Agriculture, Forestry, Tourism, Animal Resources and Fisheries

Hon Beda Machar Deng

Deputy Minister:
Hon Lily Albino Akol Akol


Food security for all people of South Sudan to enjoy improved quality of life, environmental and economic prosperity.


To transform Agriculture from traditional subsistence system to achieve food security through scientific, market oriented, competitive and profitable agricultural system without compromising the sustainability of natural resources for future generations.


The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry performs the following functions and duties:

  • Formulate legislation, policies, standards, and plans for the development of agriculture and forestry in South Sudan;
  • Prevention of environment degradation through tree planting, soil and water conservation and proper utilization of agricultural land;
  • Promotion of sustainable use of natural resources for agricultural and forestry production including non-timber forest products;
  • Human resource training in the field of agriculture and forestry;
  • Promote the development and adaptation of appropriate technology in the field of agriculture and forestry;
  • Create a national food policy to ensure adequate food availability throughout South Sudan;
  • Establish and manage an effective agricultural extension service;
  • Promote and where necessary regulate the efficient production and marketing of agriculture and forest products;
  • Develop and implement a forestry development strategy for South Sudan;
  • Promote community-based forestry conservation, management and utilization to ensure sustainable forestry production;
  • Issue licenses to fell and/or export timber;
  • Collect agricultural and forestry production data and their socio-economic impact on incomes and well-being;
  • Promote, and where possible, undertake demand-driven agricultural and forestry research;
  • Establish and manage/supervise an agricultural microfinance and credit banking scheme;
  • Control crop and tree diseases;
  • Control and regulate the use of agricultural chemicals and phytosanitary regulations and seed quality standards and licensing;
  • Rehabilitating and expanding training institutions and research institutions; and
  • Provide technical assistance and training to State governments and other local governments to build their capacity to assume their responsibilities for agriculture and forestry matters as defined in the Constitution and RSS policy.


Projects and Programs:

  • SIFSA (Sudan productive capacity food security information for action)
  • SPCRP (Sudan productive capacity recovery program)
  • SSALDP (South Sudan Agriculture and Livestock Development)
  • SAFD (Support to Agriculture and Forestry Development)
  • NFG (Norwegian Forestry Group)
  • Sudan Bridge
  • SSFCRP (South Sudan Food Crisis Response Program)
  • FARM (Food Agribusiness and Rural Market project)

Publications and Documents:

  • Food and agricultural policy framework
  • Forestry policy
  • Strategic plan


Hon. Beda Machar
Minister, Agriculture
Tel: +211 917-068-933
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mr Jaden Emelio Tongun
Undersecretary - Forestry
Tel: +211-9129431359/+211 977 103 357
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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